At Discount Racquet Stringing, we strive to provide you the best string at a great price with outstanding customer service. We specialize in natural gut stringing and help players with injuries and elbow issues. All racket frames including tennis, racquetball, squash and badminton are strung on an Ektelon Neos machine, and the tensioner is calibrated monthly. We have been in business since 1989 and have strung over 17,000 frames. As a member of the United States Racquet Stringers Association, we are up-to-date with current trends and can assist in locating older rackets and discontinued bumperguards. Please call, text or email so we can assist in taking care of your stringing needs!
1403 Birthright Street Charleston SC 29407 U.S. | +1.843.408.1045 |
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